Friday 7 April 2006


The quilt hanging on the wall is made with all triangles, scrap fabrics. The quilt on the bed is another scrap quilt, with yellow the predominant colour, which make for a very sunny bright quilt.

Quilted cushion

Baby quilt

This was made with a printed panel, I prefer these to the traditional pieced quilt as the babes don't catch their tiny fingers in the stitching.

Baby Quilt
Another printed panel quilted and backed with printed fleece, for warmth.

Liberty print quilt.
This quilt is made with one Liberty print and calico, with pink sheeting for the borders and backing. Hand quilted.

Strip Rail Fence
Never used black before, it makes for a dramatic look, and I particularly like it with the pink.

Scrap quilt

Another scrap quilt with triangles of dress fabrics.